
News & Insights

QSolid Mid-term Milestone

Since January 2022, QSolid has been working on a high-quality quantum computer “Made in Germany” based on superconducting quantum chips. After 30 months, the large-scale project, led by Prof. Frank Wilhelm-Mauch from Forschungszentrum Jülich, has reached the mid-term.

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AI in renewable energy

Latest study by market research and consultancy firm Allied Market Research shows AI holds the potential to revolutionize the entire renewable energy sector.

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New 10+ qubit quantum computing system

Four world-leaders (Forschungszentrum Jülich, Goethe-University Frankfurt, ParTec and Quantum Machines) are joining forces for pushing the realisation of quantum computers and their integration in HPC systems forward.

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ParTec and Supermicro

ParTec announces high-performance modular AI solution – collaboration with Supermicro for training LLMs as well as the dawning mining and training of huge technical and scientific data bases.

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SEA Projects grand finish

The SEA Projects DEEP-SEA, RED-SEA and IO-SEA came to a conclusion in April 2024. The projects had their final reviews with the expert reviewers appointed by the EuroHPC Joint Undertaking and were applauded as a grand success.

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IO-SEA Use Cases

From unraveling the mysteries of astrophysical plasma flows with RAMSES to empowering weather prediction with ECMWF, each IO-SEA use case delves into data-intensive applications expected to encounter significant I/O demands.

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ParTec joins UKQuantum

ParTec is proud to join the industry-led consortium UKQuantum founded to be the voice of the UK quantum industry. As a member, we’re committed to promoting the adoption and benefits of quantum technologies across the UK economy, while also advocating for strategic interventions and policies.

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Valuation of ParTec patent portfolio

ParTec AG has spun off its patent protection rights to its wholly owned subsidiary FL Systems AG & Co KG as of 21 December 2023 and had them valued by independent auditors specialising in the valuation of intangible assets with the assistance of independent patent law firms.

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How generative AI is changing product R&D

Generative Artificial Intelligence is a technology catalyst. Not only can it deliver added value in specific use cases like medicine or marketing, the technology could drive value across an entire organization by revolutionizing internal knowledge management systems.

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MareNostrum5 supercomputer officially inaugurated

ParTec AG plays a key role in successful realisation – catapulting the supercomputer to front row in the latest TOP500 list of the most powerful and in the latest GREEN500 list of the most environmentally friendly supercomputers in the world.

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How European is JUPITER

The JUPITER supercomputer will be the first ExaFlop system in Europe – a computer with at least 1 trillion computing operations per second.

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