ParTec at Q-Expo 2024

ParTec at Q-Expo 2024 ParTec AG was proud to be a part of Q-Expo, an event that brought together the leading minds and organizations in quantum technologies. Here are the key takeaways from this dynamic and insightful event: Day 1 of Q-Expo: Exhibition and Community Engagement Vibrant Energy and Discussions: The event kicked off with […]

ParTec at the HPQCI 2024

ParTec at HPQCI 2024 The integration of QC into HPC centers has become a topic of increasing interest and urgency because QC is viewed as the next logical step for accelerating HPC. To leverage QC’s potential for HPC the first international workshop on High Performance and Quantum Computing Integration (HPQCI) at HPDC conference 2024 in […]

ParTec at the ISC 2024

ParTec at ISC High Performance 2024 The ISC High Performance 2024 conference and exhibition, the annual global gathering for HPC technology providers and users, took place May 12-16 in Hamburg. Its aims was to foster the growth of a thriving HPC community that includes practitioners of machine learning, data analytics, and quantum computing.  ParTec had […]

ParTec at Bitkom 2024

ParTec at Bitkom Joint MeetingAdvanced Computing for AI: Potential of HPC and new computing technologies The Bitkom joint meeting of the High Performance Computing & Quantum Computing and Artificial Intelligence working groups took place at Microsoft Deutschland in Munich on April 18th. Titled “Advanced Computing for AI: Potenziale von HPC und neuen Rechentechnologien,” members from […]

ParTec Hackathon 2024

Accelerator Hackathon 2024ZIB, ParTec and NextSilicon Diving deep into the future of High-Performance-Computing (HPC): Together with ZIB and NextSilicon, ParTec organised an immersive 1.5 day hackathon, exploring an exciting new HPC approach. We covered the programming environment, profiling analysis and optimization approach with dedicated hands-on session to allow participants to experience the novel hardware directly. […]

ParTec at the EuroHPC Summit 2024

ParTec at the EuroHPC Summit 2024A great opportunity to showcase results of the SEA projects The EuroHPC Summit, which took place from 18 to 21 March in Antwerp, Belgium, offered interested parties the opportunity to learn about the results of the SEA projects. The projects results were presented in the poster session and  the workshop […]

ParTec at the APS March Meeting 2024

ParTec at the APS March Meeting 2024ParTec talks about HPC/QC Integration The March Meeting 2024 of the American Physical Society is one of the biggest and most important scientific conferences with more than 13,000 physicists and students from around the world. 10,000+ abstracts were submitted on topics ranging from condensed matter to quantum physics and […]