
Thomas Moschny, Chief HPC Solutions and Chief Technology Officer

Thomas Moschny’s journey with ParTec began in September 2007 as a software developer, and since April 2013, he has held the role of Chief Technology Officer (CTO). With a background in physics and a focus on computer science, Thomas has been instrumental in driving the development of the ParaStation Modulo Software Suite and the advancement of the dynamic Modular System Architecture (dMSA) technology enabling the efficient operation of heterogeneous HPC, AI, and Quantum systems.

Prior to joining ParTec, Thomas conducted research in computer science at the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT), at the Institute for Program Structures and Data Organization (IPD) focusing on high-speed networks and parallel programming environments. As CTO, Thomas continues to spearhead innovative solutions and technologies, positioning ParTec at the forefront of the advanced supercomputing industry. His expertise and dedication led to his appointment to the ParTec Executive Board in October 2022. As the head of the IT department, he is also responsible for ParTec’s internal IT infrastructure and strategy.