
ParTec at SC24 in Atlanta

SC24, the annual global gathering for the HPC community, took place November 17-22 in Atlanta. SC brought together an unparalleled mix of scientists, engineers, researchers, developers, programmers and educators. The aim was to learn, share and grow.  The exhibition provided ample opportunity to meet and interact with the industry, research organization, universities and startups from across the world. 

ParTec had the chance to co-organise and actively participate in several Birds of a Feather (BoF) sessions and present ourselves at a booth in the exhibition area. 

Copyright: Lillie Elliot, SC Photography

Key takeaways

On Monday, November 18th, ParTec announced a major milestone in the journey towards Europe’s first exascale supercomputer, JUPITER, at Forschungszentrum Jülich having been reached. JETI, the second module of the groundbreaking system, has been completed. It was announced that JETI now ranks among the world’s most powerful supercomputers, doubling the performance of JUWELS Booster. JETI was placed in 18th position on the TOP500 List and #6 on the Green500. 

On Tuesday, November 19th, our experts Hans-Christian Hoppe and Dr. Sai Narasimhamurthy lead a BOF on the following topic: “To Compete or to Collaborate: How to Fuse Europe’s Cutting-Edge Technology Efforts with the Global HPC Endeavour?”

  • The session was attended by both US and European participants
  • The session introduced some of the key European Technologies in the areas of system architecture (including the Modular System Architecture), data management & workflow management
  • The session discussed many aspects of European technologies in the context of global collaboration including
    • Areas from the projects which are ripe for global collaboration
    • Biggest obstacles and barriers for global collaboration
    • A better understanding of the users of these technologies
    • Open source assets
  • In terms of obstacles and barriers, the biggest point discussed was the management of software outcomes beyond the lifetime of projects. There were lessons learnt from the DoE (Exascale Computing Project) about initiatives used to manage the repository of software outcomes beyond the lifetime of projects. This was a key takeaway from the discussions and something that the projects said will look into.

On Wednesday, November 20th Dr. Simon Pickartz lead the session on “MPICH: A High Performance Open-Source MPI Implementation”:

  • MPICH turned 32 this year
  • MPICH is used on 7 out of 10 of the fastest supercomputers world-wide
  • ParaStation MPI is ready to power JUPITER— the first European Exascale system
  • MPI support for AI is on the horizon

Press releases and further materials

A lot of exciting insights have been shared around SC24 in Atlanta. Below are the links to access the most important documents:

JETI #18 on Top500 and #6 on Green500 List

By doubling the performance of JUWELS Booster—currently the fastest supercomputer in Germany—JETI now ranks among the world’s most powerful supercomputers.

MOU for AI-capable supercomputer signed

ParTec AG and Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf (HZDR) have signed a memorandum of understanding stating their intention to jointly build and operate an AI supercomputer.

ParTec’s SC24 Collateral hub

This is your one-stop destination to access and download all the essential resources. You will find information on ParTec, our AI, QC and HPC offerings and research project use cases.

Further insights

Stay tuned for more updates as ParTec continues to lead the charge in HPC, AI and Quantum Computing. You can find more insights and the latest news on our dedicated News & Insights page!

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